Maria Esparza


My name is Maria Esparza. I am a recent graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelors of Social Work degree. The social work profession has allowed me to work with diverse populations that have had an immense impact on my professional career, which has motivated me to pursue a Masters in Social Work. I have been admitted to the Advanced Standing Masters program at the University of Oklahoma. I’m excited to finish the Masters in Social Work program so that I can begin my professional career.

My Video

I have had experience working with children, families, and adolescent youth. These experiences have broaden my skills set and continue to help me develop professionally. This video demonstrates some of the experiences I have had, which have contributed immensely to my learning and development as a Social Worker.

My Infographic

As Social Workers we are devoted to our clients therefore it is necessary to take care of ourselves to prevent burnout. This infographic gives self care activity ideas that can help manage the stress accumulation of the workforce. These are only suggested activities and can be modified to individuals needs and capacity.

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